it was cecilia's birthday and we thought it would be a great idea to celebrate it at our favourite hangout place, Serangoon Gardens! i love that place. its like somewhat near where we all stay, the area isnt too crowded and they've got lovely places to chill!
we had dinner at this yummy place called Astons. the food is really good and very very reasonably priced too! its like a kopitiam setting but i've heard that they're quite popular. got like a few branches in Singapore.
walked around the area a little bit after dinner because its always nice to walk around after eating. i hate to sit down after i eat, i'll feel damn lethargic. like you know that sick feeling. like you feel damn fat and full and all you wanna do is just sleep. so i NEED to walk around after i eat. it's also a good excuse to camwhore!!
we ended up at this place called Liquid Kitchen. the place is so-so lah. they sell finger food, desserts and drinks. the only good thing about the place is that they open till late so you somewhat have a place to chill out with your friends. but then again i dont think this place will be winning any top service awards any time soon, so dont raise your hopes. luckily i brought poker cards so we can play!
and when cecilia was least expecting it, we suprised her with her birthday cake. and its not ordinary cake okay, we got her a mooncake. infact, a PINK mooncake cause that's her favourite colour! ok, i think by now you can somewhat guess how ancient this birthday celebration was right?! hahaha!!!
we even made her a DIY card!! sheryl even drew a picture of the 4 of us at the top of the card!
time for a group photo! urgh!! my hair looks damn ugly here!! looks damn PONG can!! omg!! please ignore it thank you.
after that it was more camwhoring at random places around serangoon gardens!! i love camwhoring!!! its like damn fun to just do retarded stuff and funny faces in front of the camera with your friends. i simply cannot understand how come people hate to camwhore. dont you guys just have friends who refuse to make funny faces or like hates to take photos. when you take photos with them its like you owe them money or something. i dont get it lor!
and you know the worse thing is they give the excuse that they're not as vain as you. i mean yes, lets be honest, i am vain. i can spend hours deciding on what to wear or just styling my hair. but then to a certain extent, everyone is vain. i didnt say everyone is as vain as me though but everyone has like a degree of vainess in them.
BUT, my point here is that camwhoring doesnt necessarily make you more vain then others. its just having fun being silly with your friends. and if you dont do it now, then do it when you're 80 meh.
so to all those people who call me vain for my love of camwhoring, i say, you guys are just a bunch of prudes.
a very wise man once said this and i quote:
'Why so serious?'
i know the Joker is not exactly considered a wise man but that is irrelevant.
i hope cecilia enjoyed herself that night cause we sure did!!
stay cute!