Saturday, 29 May 2010

i'm still here

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just been a little busy, that's all.



how i wish i could escape to a deserted island,
with a glass of mojito that never empties,
watch clouds float in the sky,
just liethere,
by myself.

Thursday, 27 May 2010

forever is fiction

your warm caress,
your soothing embrace,
your fleeting presence,
my summer wind.


Sunday, 23 May 2010

dear kun kun

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happy birthday maddie!!

dinner with POEPS at Sushi Tei followed by Shrek at the cinemas later on. nice simple lovely night.


Wednesday, 19 May 2010


life is like one of those hurdle races you watch during the olympics. its never really a breezy stroll, instead, you constantly have to jump over hurdles to get to the end.

that's just how it is. i mean, if life faces you with a hurdle, you dont stand there and cry, you dont wait there for the hurdle to dissapear, you just have to jump.

you might trip on the first hurdle or you might procrastinate and be a little slow to jump over the second hurdle. but find solace in the fact that those earlier hurdle makes it easier to jump over the next few hurdles.

so let's put on our most FIERCE pair of shoes and i'll see you along the way.

eh, you get what i mean right?


Saturday, 15 May 2010

cantabe, worse than a wannabe

fashionistas are generally not fat people. fat people who thinks they're fashionistas are just delusional people in denial.

time to go on a diet ali joe. size L is for Losers.


Wednesday, 12 May 2010


i guess everybody have dreams. i'm not talking about aspirations but about the stuff you dream about at night. sometimes we remember them, sometimes we dont.

you know what, i get really weird dreams.

just last night, i dreamt that i was painting my bedroom walls blue. more like light blue, slightly towards tiffany blue. that was it. i dont remember anything else accept painting my walls blue.

some people say, dreams have meaning.

i sure as hell would love to know what that dream was suppose to mean!


Monday, 10 May 2010


honestly, i'm not a big fan of local music. most of the stuff churned out here sounds like generic crap. now, before i get legions of local music supporters lambasting me for treason, i think i better explain myself.

in general, music from singapore either sounds like cheap remakes of R&B songs or corny National Day sounding songs. well, i do admit there are some local bands, mostly indie, that do have potential. but here, i'm talking about the music scene in general. basically stuff i see on tv and hear on the radio.

i mean i dont see why i should support local music just because i'm local. that's just inane. i support whatever music that's good be it local or not. and so far i havent had to chance to feel excited about a locally produced song.

until now.

i was listening to Class 95 on the the weekends when i heard this nice song on the radio and i thought it was from James Morrison until i heard the DJ mentioning the name on the artist.

Sezairi Sezali.

i was like 'wow!'. finally, a singapore idol winner that actually has a nice song. something that actually sounds current and relevant in the music industry right now. and don't you just love the tone of his voice?

i've embedded the video of his song on my blog's sidebar. so do give it a listen and tell me what you think alright.


Saturday, 8 May 2010

crazy shit

in singapore, there are night markets set up during festive periods like Chinese New Year and Hari Raya. these night markets usually carry festive goodies, decorations and clothes special to the occasion. every night thousands of people throng these night markets to soak in the festive atmosphere while shopping up a storm. and on the last night of the night markets which is the night before the festival, stall owners at these places will slash their prices to clear stock and shoppers come out in full force to take advantage of these price reductions as well as do their last minute shopping.

now, you can just imagine how crowded it would be on the last night of the bazaar. ok, now imagine it 5 times more crowded.

and that was how fucking crowded zouk was last night!!!

fucking hell! at times it felt so stuffy like i couldnt breathe. it was so damn pack that you couldnt possibly dance and even if u did try to dance, all you'd do is jostle the people around you. and and and, to the assholes who kept trying to squeeze infront, its already crowded DAMNIT, there's no where else to go!! its already so fucking crowded and you and your whole lot of far east plaza friends are trying to push through everyone to find a space for all 7 of you to dance at the front of the dance floor is just fucking stupid.

oh and dont even get me started with girls having big hair, i have no idea how many different girls hair was brushing against my face and some that even went into my mouth. bloody hell!

steve aoki man, i really like your stuff but you were shit boring last night. the local DJ who spun before you arrived dished out way better music. i waited more than 2 hours for you man and it felt like such a letdown. i do still think your hair is awesome though!

and to zouk, what a dissapointment. fucking dissapointed with you. i thought i could have at least 1 club in singapore that i could always know i will have a damn awesome night at, but unfortunately you missed the mark. crowd control was beyond ridiculous. i got so fucking annoyed and it took me close to 30minutes to squeeze my way out.

you know what? i seriously dont understand how they can close down Mustafa for being overcrowded and not zouk.



Wednesday, 5 May 2010


being catapulted into a world with a frenzy of responsibilities, can be a little daunting. its almost like treading the Amazon without a map nor a compass, all you feel is lost and a sense of helplessness. i guess, its just the normal progression of things but i just hate this feeling. when you feel lost and confused, everything feels like a brand new surprise. and you guys know how much i hate surprises. its like i have this weird obsession with everything having to be perfect and according to plan.

oh well, adapting to something new is never easy. time to work harder ali joe.

but hey, even if work gets a little overwhelming, i find solace in the fact that i've got an awesome bunch of colleagues to make it all better. since half of my department just recently flew off for a trade show overseas, the rest of us decided to have lunch at this finger-licking-good chicken rice place at seah street.

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its my first time there and i cant exactly remember the name of the shop, but the chicken rice was damn yummy lah. but like omg, the walk there from my office under the sweltering torment of the sun was pure torture. torture i tell you, torture!!


Sunday, 2 May 2010

hello world

the only constant in life is change and the sooner you begin to embrace it, the happier you will become. however, the result of change is uncertain. you never really know whether the change is for the better or worse. but remember this, change is inevitable. so in simpler words, suck it up and make the best of it.

if i describe my life as a book, then now would be the beginning of a new chapter. welcome to the corporate world. it's a little scary for little old me but i'll put on my brave face and conquer it like a Zara sale.

it's been a great 4 months or so bumming around after i ended university. i guess i'm probably gonna miss it. the shopping in the weekday afternoons, the waking up at 2pm everyday, the numerous meeting up with friends for dinner or simply to hangout, the endless partying till 3am in the morning and the inability to tell what day it is cause everyday feels like a saturday.

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it was all great fun while it lasted!

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hopefully, the new chapter of my life will be as fun or better yet, even more fun with all the lovely people currently in my life and plus the new awesome people i'll meet.

so, let's cheers to the beautiful life, la bella vita!
