Monday, 10 May 2010


honestly, i'm not a big fan of local music. most of the stuff churned out here sounds like generic crap. now, before i get legions of local music supporters lambasting me for treason, i think i better explain myself.

in general, music from singapore either sounds like cheap remakes of R&B songs or corny National Day sounding songs. well, i do admit there are some local bands, mostly indie, that do have potential. but here, i'm talking about the music scene in general. basically stuff i see on tv and hear on the radio.

i mean i dont see why i should support local music just because i'm local. that's just inane. i support whatever music that's good be it local or not. and so far i havent had to chance to feel excited about a locally produced song.

until now.

i was listening to Class 95 on the the weekends when i heard this nice song on the radio and i thought it was from James Morrison until i heard the DJ mentioning the name on the artist.

Sezairi Sezali.

i was like 'wow!'. finally, a singapore idol winner that actually has a nice song. something that actually sounds current and relevant in the music industry right now. and don't you just love the tone of his voice?

i've embedded the video of his song on my blog's sidebar. so do give it a listen and tell me what you think alright.
