just for the record, i prefer taking the train over buses anytime. i like the fact that it's fast and efficient. i mean, if you take the bus, sometimes you never know what time the bus is coming and then, if you factor in random traffic situations like accidents and jams, you can't really be certain what time you'll reach your destination. trains on the other hand, arrive on the average of every 5minutes and the best thing about it is that i dont have to worry about traffic jams delaying my journey. if they say you'll reach city hall in 18mins, they really mean it. unless of course some motherfucker comes along and decide to commit suicide on the train tracks. then, that's like bo pian.
so once you start taking the train every single day, you'll start to notice the idiosyncrasies of different commuters. there are people who like to sleep very unglamorously on trains and then there are those who play with iphones. for me, i plug in my ipod and i daydream about being brandon flowers, the frontman of The Killers, and performing to a sold out concert.
one odd thing, i've been noticing is that ever since they introduced the priority seat, you know the one for the old or the pregnant, everybody avoids it the seats like the plague.
like lets say, the elderly woman got up to alight at her stop, the seat is left empty. nobody wants to seat there. a train packed to the brim and there's one empty seat and everyone's just ignoring it.
i personally find it annoying. just seat la damnit! you waiting for some elderly women to elbow through the crowds of people just to go there sit meh??
ohh, and one more thing. people who give up their seat to kids annoy me. what logical reason is there that says a 7yr old girl deserves the seat more than a 27yr old female wearing high heels and who spent the past 7hours serving unreasonable customers at Mango. i'd say give the freaking seat to the the woman better right?? do kids get tired more easily or smthing? all the kids i see on the trains have like unlimited energy. they can scream and swing on the poles while the parents just sit there and smile. funny meh?! fucking disrupting my daydreaming right!
that's like just a couple of retarded things i notice on the train. there's more la but by the time i finish typing everything, its be a 3 part novel with 24 chapters each. JRR Tolkien also paisey.
anyway anyway,
here's some random photos i took throughout the week. i'm too damn busy (and lazy) to do 3-4 post a week, so i'll just upload the whole chunk and lump them all at the end of this entry.
have a great week ahead yeah!