i feel like changing my blog layout. like maybe change that act cool picture at the top. i know if i were to ask for suggestions on what to do, nobody would actually reply me. haha! so i think i'll just go with my mood. see how la..
been kinda busy this week especially with my graduation and all but then that story's for another post. have you guys realised how fast this year flew past, its already august and less than a week it'd be september. next thing you know, it'd be christmas already, then 2011. wah its moving too fast! i feel like i'm standing still as the whole world zooms past me.
i know my topics today a little bit random right. hahaha! since we're being random, lets talk about YOG. i like the opening ceremony. they had a really cool stage where they had fountains and some parts look like people were running on water. and i like the fact that the olympic flame was in some lighthouse thingy. very cool indeed! but sadly, i was very much disappointed by the closing ceremony. i was expecting some grand event but i ended watching something that felt like a Singapore Idol concert by those people who didn't even make it to top 3.
and you know what!!! i was like so looking forward to that OH YEAH OH YEAH song for YOG and they didnt even play it once!!! i admit the song is like damn corny la, so corny that its verging on retarded but then, its SO DAMN CATCHY can!!! you tell me who donno the chorus of this song.
i bet most people even know to exact hand movements to it lor!!! i dont understand why we singaporeans are so embarassed by the song. you look at the world cup and u got shakira singing WAKA WAKA EH EH. i mean granted the fact her dance was more sexier and didnt look like they copied it from street fighter but still. it was catchy as hell and everybody enjoyed it. why not our own local one?
double standards much?
anyway, i just wanna say that i'm proud of our local youth athletes. i dont care that we didnt get a single gold. we did get like a gazillion bronze and 1 silver medal by rainer ng for swimming. but what's the most important thing to me is that these people are true blue singaporeans. not some commodity purchased to win medals.
anyway before i start blabbing away, let just end this post abruptly here. now, since i know most people like to just browse thru fotos when they visit blogs, i shall include some random ones from the past few weeks.
i'm like such a crowd pleaser. *roll eyes*

cousin's wedding at fort canning. i was trying to be artistic but ended up EPIC FAIL.

indonesian food with my army bunkmates. and we caught that movie Inception after that. why is everybody saying this movie is like damn awesome. the show storyline was very simple, there was simply too much dialogue and it was boring as hell. what a waste of my time. i should just stick to my slasher movies.

tengku, my army friend's wedding. its like everyone is getting married ar?

ashley's birthday at Loof. i think that place is becoming like our usual hangout after work already. somebody just make me member already!?!?!

glutton's bay with kath and maddie. food was awesome much. but then we wanted sambal stingray but the queue was like so damnnnnnnn long!!! i want to go lau pa sat next!!!

bunny slippers at work. those are not my feet ar!!! and i do not wear tights la omg!

okay thats all for my very random update!
stay cute and sexy always!alijoe