and so begins the fasting month.
a common misconception amongst many people is that fasting is purely about not eating or drinking because god says so. the truth in fact, is far wider an explanation.
fasting is about abstaining from desires. they're many things that fasting includes, like no alcohol, no gambling, no food & drink, no sex... well you get the drift, basically normal human desires. it teaches you discipline as well as appreciation, because only when something is taken away from you will you realise how much you take things for granted.
furthermore, the fasting month encourages you to do good and practice regular charity. no man who gives charity will land himself to become poor and destitute.
i'm not trying to preach religion here but what i'm merely trying to say is that maybe all of us need to practice a little bit of 'fasting'. abstain from our vices, appreciate what we have and be nice to others.