ready? set? lets go!
2010 has been a really interesting year for me. the most major thing this year was my transition from a student, to an unemployed bummer and finally to a working adult. i finally got to wear my academic regalia (aka graduation gown) and officially became a bachelor's degree graduate. i met many awesome people at work who i now consider friends. i finally stopped getting allowance from my parents and earned my own income instead. i got to see mariah carey live in concert and very up close. i got a new camera, Samsung PL150, the one with front and back lcd screens.
i'm sure there's many many other great events in 2010 but since i've got the memory of a goldfish, this is all i can think of for the time being. and for the rest of it, i guess its a little too personal to publicize. hahah!
you know, overall 2010 wasn't all that bad. i mean sure there were some moments were i didnt feel like a sparkly diamond ring on a sunny day but you live, you learn and you move on. lucky for me, i've got selective memory. hahaha!
the future is always scary to me because it filled with so much uncertainty. if only we knew what's gonna happen next, maybe then we can plan and our life will turn out better. but then if life went according to plan, wouldn't it be a tad boring?
here's the part where i come out with resolutions for 2011. to me resolutions arises from the result of accessing unhappiness in 2010. you figure out what you are not happy with, and you create objectives to change yourself to your desired perception of yourself.
1) firstly, i think i'm too damn nice to the point of maybe i'm too much of a people pleaser. i'm nice to like literally everybody, i guess i'm just a naturally nice guy but like what the saying goes 'nice guys finish last'. when you're always so damn nice to people, everybody tends to take you for granted and walk all over you. well, i've had it. so please roll out the red carpet and welcome back the acidly sarcastic megabitch.
2) my second resolution is like a carry forward from the one last year, to dress fierce. ignore the naysayers with their snide comments and its time to embrace individuality.
3) eat and live healthier. cut down on fast food and all the excessive snacking on junk food. oh and sleep early is i guess part of a healthy lifestyle too.
4) to be more sociable. contrary to popular believe, i'm actually no social butterfly. i think i blogged about this before. i tend to clam up when meeting new people or people i barely know. i guess i find it awkward. so my resolution for 2011 is to set my inhibitions aside and socialize like a socialite. in short, emulate Paris Hilton.
5) relax and enjoy the simple pleasures of life. it isn't all about the shopping sprees and the partying. throw a picnic with some friends, visit museums and exhibitions, cycle along east coast park, explore places and take pictures with my holga. 2010 zoomed right by, the least i could do is to not rush through 2011 and instead take a deep breathe and enjoy its little moments.
well, so i guess thats it then for the resolutions of 2011. just 5 simple targets to hit to better myself. so now begins the hard part, making sure i fulfill these resolutions religiously. i sure hope so.
to all my sexy and cute readers, i wish you a Happy New Year and i hope that 2011 will be even better for you than 2010!!