i'm a sucker for free gifts. sometimes i buy magazines that i dont really read just to get their free stuff.
oh, and i get very happy when i get this magazine called Juice which they give out free every month at certain shops. the thing is, i only take 5mins to flip thru it to see the clubbing photos and thats it. nothing else in the magazine is interesting to me.
so when my school had a job fair, i knew there had to be freebies. i visited all the different different booths and collected pens, post-its, and random knick knacks.
and my favourite freebie of the day was this...
its a watch! nice right?!!
i had to endure this really boring woman talk about her job for 10minutes just to get this okayy!
i even dragged weiliang along to collect the freebies with me. wahahaha!!
he seems happy about it lor!
i seriously have no idea where the watch is now can!
ps: dont judge me okayy! i know you secretly like freebies too lor!