its official. i'm f a t.
i decided to do a little of spring cleaning since i've been doing nothing else but bum at home. the first thing i did was rearrange by 'bottoms' drawer. bottoms here includes jeans, pants and berms. you know, stuff i wear to go out. so i had to sort the pile of bottoms into Keep, Maybe and Throw cause darlings that drawer was gonna burst at its hinges.
first thing i did was to weed out the the passe ones. the cargo pants, the corduroys, the jeans with the holes. since that's out of the question, the next thing i did was to see which of the bottoms i tend to wear most. you know how sometimes you have like 10 different shades of blue for jeans yet you keep wearing only 3. and this 3 are the ones that matches everything and you think you like nice in them. so i kept those that receive higher usage frequency.
after that, all that is left are the 'Maybes' pile. somewhat the undecided bunch. stuff that you wear occasionally. they're not exactly ugly but somehow you just do not gravitate towards them. to solve this pile, what i did what to see which fit. those which did were kept and those that didnt made the trip to the 'Throw' pile.
and lo and behold. out of the 8 in the Maybe pile, only 2 of them fit me. i realise what the problem was. i bought most of these Bottoms when i was still in NS. i mean of course i do realise the main problem here is i've gotten more full figured but the thing about buying clothes during national service is that they will only fit you when you are still in the army. once you've pass that stage where you no longer run 6kilometres everyday or do jungle warfare every other week, your body does not maintain that same svelte fingure.
it gets frustrating i guess seeing all these bottoms that i bought using my savings and the meager NS allowance all go into the Throw pile. so thats that. i need to get back in shape. obviously i know its close to impossible to regain what i had during my heydays but at least a slight reduction in fat retention could ease the frustration.
not gonna embark on a strict diet cause i know these diets don't last. what i'm gonna do is include little changes into my life, think stairs and low carbs.
if not for fashion, at least for my health.
do i hear an Amen?