when i was young i always looked forward to accompanying my dad to the photo developing shop. it's always a treat to see how the photos we took during hari raya or a recent trip to Malacca turned out. and then we'd go home, look through them again and carefully slot them into a photo album. and whenever somebody comes to visit, we proudly present them with the photo albums while we eagerly explain each picture and laugh at those that didnt turn out nice. well, i kind of miss that now. digital cameras has somewhat numbed up from this excitement we use to feel from film cameras. now photos go directly into the computers and the once deemed unsatisfactory are deleted with a simple mouseclick. then they're uploaded onto facebook while people comment on them. in a way, the whole process is still somewhat similar. its just that it has lost its warmth.
so here are the photos that were developed from my holga which i received today.
double exposure of a spiral staircase and, some clouds and the sun on a sunny day.
a view of the mosque opposite my house from my corridor.
double exposure of the clouds and a monument
fountain outside swissotel
outside raffles city. i liked the complexity.
SIM atrium. i've always found the roof of the atrium fascinating. reminded me somewhat of wheelock place. whenever i take the escalator from the basement to level 1. i love to look to the top, the glass roof is so pretty, especially in the day.
taking photos in a way is like a red traffic light. you make the moment stop by capturing it on film.
clarke quay. depicting movement in stillness.
row of colourful houses along the Singapore river.
*Photos taken on Holga 120N using Fujichrome Provia 100F film developed at Triple D Mini Lab Centre.
alright thats all folks. i hope you like them!