and just like that, 2009 will soon come to an end.
as i grow older, the years begin to feel much shorter, time starts to fly faster but i still feel like i'm standing still. feels like just a week ago when people were still fussing over whether planes will fall, computers malfunction or the world translates into chaos with coming of Y2k. while physically i've grown, mostly horizontal, but mentally i've remained still in my teens. maybe still clinging on to hopes of eternal youth where minds are generally carefree, wishing time would go by slower so i would be able to catch up.
life is filled with many significant events which acts as stepping stones that sets the path of your journey. 2009 was one of that stepping stone for me. with the completion of my bachelors degree, it was somehow a crossing of borders. one where the life of a student ended for me and hopefully soon, the life of a working adult begins. uncertainty is one of my biggest fears and i won't deny the surge especially with my future being as clear as a bottle of coke. but alas, i guess that's just how life seems to be. you never really get the whole picture, just pieces of jigsaw that you slowly learn to put together.
they say god created everything in pairs, men and women, good and bad, and, ups and downs. 2009 was definitely not just filled with ups. there were many downs as well. i won't discuss any of mine here as i feel negativity should just be bottled and kept locked in the cellar, not shared like flutes of moet.
it has become customary to set goals and objectives everytime a new year approaches. i guess there's just something about a new year that people associate with clean slates. the ability to steer reality into desirability cajole millions into concocting a cauldron of resolutions. likewise with myself.
1) to eat and live healthy.
2) to dress fiercely.
3) to appreciate the present.
and with that, i would like to take this opportunity to tell all my cute and sexy readers, wherever you may be, that although i don't understand why you continue to visit my boring blog, i do appreciate you all for it. in a way, its nice i guess, to know that there is somebody out there willing to listen to all the random crap i blog about. and for that, i love you.
wishing you health and happiness for 2010!