cause it's mine.
i'm not exactly someone who's big on birthdays. to me birthdays are like irritating deadlines. they're constant reminders about stuff you've yet to achieve, physical reminders that you're getting older and also reminders about having to complete my dreaded fitness test (IPPT) yet again. bleah.
furthermore, for like the past couple of years, my birthday always falls during the exam period. where got mood you tell me?? even if i wanted to meet my friends for a gathering for let's say 2hours, i wouldnt exactly be enjoying it. all i would be thinking throughout the whole gathering would be, "i could have finished 2 chapters of Global Marketing by now'.
so this year i decided to just cancel or push any form of celebrations till my exams are clearly out of the way. but hey, try celebrating your birthday 1 month later or so. it just doesnt feel festive anymore. so i told my friends, "no cake! no singing of happy birthday!", let's just spent a nice afternoon out together. and that's what we did.
met up with the girls at mac first for lunch.
then they managed to surprise me not by one but two presents!!
they got me this perfume i've been meaning to get, Calvin Klein Summer, and this lovely handmade frame with pictures and secret messages inside. :))
after lunch, we head over to one of my favourite places to hangout!
The National Museum!!!
did i mention i love the museum?
oh!! don't forget to get the brochure so you know what and where to check out!
there was an exhibition on paintings and photographs of old singapore. quite interesting to see how singapore was way before Ion or Zouk even existed.
you can also walk around inside the museum as they're many artworks at random places.
or you can just look at photos!
or if you like, you can take the lift to the top floor and enjoy the afternoon breeze. they've got a great view too!!
you can enjoy the view with your friends..
or go emo and enjoy it alone.
i prefer it with friends of course!
there are artworks on display around the compound of the museum too!
i love the whole colonial look of the building. so obviously, the museum is a great place to take photos too, especially when the background is such a majestic facade!!
nice right!!!
if you thought that was all, then you're wrong! there's one final artwork that we simply had to take photos with!
a shriveled up capsicum??! WTF?!
shriveled up or not doesnt matter! we'll still ride it anyway!!
on a sidenote: my heart goes out to witches who rides on broomsticks. my butt hurts after i rode on that damn capsicum!!
yeh, i know it wasnt a typical birthday but you know what made my birthday great?
having equally retarded friends to spend the day with and take ridiculously crazy photos! trust me, i'd look back in like 10 yrs time and photos like these are the ones that is gonna put a huge-ass smile on my face.
so yeah, thanks for everything!! i love every single one of you!
see! i really mean it okay!!
to all my cute and sexy readers, i know recently my blogging frequency is becoming like a weekly affair. i've been sorta busy partying and hanging out with my friends. and of course editing all 55 photos one by one for this post is no easy task okay!! i'll try my best to do more shorter and frequent updates yeah?! look forward to a baking entry this weekend kay!! till then, the weekends are near, enjoy the rest of the week!!
ohh, instead of my usual sign off, i'll leave you with a picture that i know will brighten your day! or ruin it. MUAHAHAHA!!