WARNING: This pictorial entry will not flow if you do not read the words. so don't just scroll through the photos. READ THEM and enjoy the whole story concept!
hey there my sexy and cute readers!! i just checked my calendar and guess what??
there're TWO important events coming up!!!
and since valentine's day falls on the first day of chinese new year which is a sunday, so indirectly valentine's day gets a holiday too! and since chinese new year falls on sunday and monday, they are giving an extra day of public holiday on tuesday since one of that public holiday falls on a sunday. sounds a little bit complicating i know. but all you need to know is 4 day LONG WEEKEND!!!!! SATURDAY SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY!!!
i hear all the ladies collectively screaming "WHAT TO WEAR! WHAT TO WEAR! WHAT TO WEAR! WHAT TO WEAR! WHAT TO WEAR!"
i mean there is...
1) valentine's day date or dates to go to, depends on how slutty you are but thats okay i wont judge. =P
2) bai nian or visiting relatives on chinese new year. i mean seriously, you're not gonna wear the same dress for all the different days you go visiting right. that's just so downright unglam can?!
and as you hear all the girls screaming in panic (but i bet they secretly enjoy it cause now they have a good reason to buy more clothes) the guys all around the world are going...
"WHAT TO GET FOR MY GIRLFRIEND/DATE!!!!" or girlfriends/dates, but again i wont judge.
you know times like this, makes all the guys damn stress cause they have no idea what to get for girls.
in the end everyone of them just head to ntuc to buy ferrero rocher or they go to some florist and pay some exorbitant price for flowers.
but flowers die and chocolates makes you fat. get her something practical instead. like dresses or bags!
trust me, girls can never have enough bags and clothes!
well guess what?!
boys and girls, sexy and cute, i have a great idea!!!
i know of an online blogshop that sells lovely and pretty dresses that you can get stuff from for chinese new year and valentines day!
look at all the pretty clothes they have!!
they've got so many cute and sexy stuff available!! this is just a preview, wait till you see all the other stuff they have on their blog!!
and you know what else is cool too?!
i mean seriously, for clothes and acessories being imported directly from Hong Kong, Korea and Japan, these prices are just TO DIE FOR!!!
look at it this way, let's say you got a budget of $100. you can buy like at least 3 apparels and a bag!! mix and match them and you're gonna look fabulous on valentine's day and chinese new year!!
and, if you sign up for their mailing list, you'll be entitled to special discounts and be the first to know about their new arrivals and special offers!!
gee, i can't believe it'll be that simple!!
i know chinese new year and valentine's day is still like a month away but you better hurry up cause everyone's gonna visit their blogshop now and everything's gonna be sold out FAST!!
if all their awesome stuff are sold out already don't blame me okay! you can just go ahead and slap, punch or shoot yourself for procrastinating!
ladies- your dates will be damn smitten on how pretty you look and you'd be the hottest girl at ah ma's house on chinese new year!
guys - that valentine's day date of yours will be so touched at how thoughtful and awesome you are at getting her presents! it's okay, you dont have to tell her i told you about the blogshop. it'll be a secret between us kay?
she might even be so happy that you'll get a special something at the end of the date!!! ;)
that special something i meant was a kiss laaaaaaa!!
but if it leads to more then...
don't forget to use protection ar!!
hehe ;)
dont forget to visit Simply Wardrobe kay!
you can just click on their logo below or their banner that i have on my sidebar and it will lead your straight to their blogshop!
p/s: i'm still free on valentine's day!