Saturday, 3 April 2010

deconstructing sanctuary

mini-DSC06337-1.jpg picture by alvinhilton

amongst the gazillion bizarre facts about myself, one of them would be my concept of sanctuary. sanctuary is the term that i refer my house to, or to be exact, my room.

i have this weird little habit ever since i was young which is, i dont like having people over at my place. you know how when you're young, you'd invite your friends over to your house to play computer games, maybe do homework or just random chit chat. well, i never did any of that. i mean to begin with, growing up as the only child, i never really had any of those games where you can play as a group. most of my stuff were like a gameboy or like power ranger's megazord. once i begged my mum to buy me those 4-in-1 board games set, you know, those with snakes and ladders, checkers and whatnots. i got bored playing with it after 1 week, especially when i was playing each of the 4 players in the board game.

when you've grown up alone, especially with your parents working most of the time, you somewhat become used to and comfortable with being alone. so no matter how busy school was or how hectic life is, i know that i can always come back home to my sanctuary. my quiet little place where i can just relax. back when i was in secondary school, i would come home, read my Teenage or Lime magazine and listen to Say It With Music with Jean Danker every night on Perfect 10.

simply put, my sanctuary is a safe haven for me, a place away away from the 'noise' of reality. and i wanna keep it that way. it is my safe haven, not OUR safe haven. i feel like if i invited everybody over, it would no longer feel like my sanctuary. feels tainted. in simpler terms, its like a VIP room, if everybody can go into the VIP room , it wouldnt feel very VIP anymore would it.

so, dont hold your breathe waiting for an invite to my room, you might just die waiting.

oh, unless of course if i meet you at a club and i'm a little high and you're totally hot. then i'd be rolling out my 'Welcome' mat. ;)
