woke up this morning to one bad ass sore throat, those like every time i swallow saliva it hurts like hell, and also my head was throbbing. i knew i had to see the doctor and thats what i did today.
on the way to the doctor. dont you just hate it that these clinic have very weird operating hours? like they open at 10am til noon, reopen at 3pm till 5pm, and then reopen from 7-8pm. i mean, why on earth do doctors need a 3 hour lunch and a 2 hour dinner?? are they going for some buffet or something? or maybe since doctors like to say that outside food are unhealthy cause they use alot of salt and msg, so they drive home and make their maids cook healthy dishes for them for lunch and dinner. i think thats probably it.
anyway, didnt really need to wait for that long since there was only one other person at the clinic. read some brochures about sexually transmitted diseases while waiting. a great propaganda for celibacy i tell you. 5 mins consultation with the doctor and i'm done.
spent the entire afternoon sleeping. awesome i tell you!! but i still feel damn groggy mann!! okay gonna take my medicine and go sleep (again!) now. you all drink lots of water and take care of yourself k!!