remember to load up on fruits daily!!
damn random, i know.
that's all. take care. enjoy your weekends, or what's left of it. bleah.
oh got public holiday on tuesday, vesak day, so next week shouldnt be that bad i guess. short work week.
dont you all just hate sundays?
well, i do.
its like you're happy you get to wake up late, and you're happy that you dont have to work, you can just do whatever you want. sleep non-stop. watch tv. play games. but at the same time, you know that this happiness wont last. cause the next day is monday.
its like going on an awesome overseas holiday for 3d2n. you're only starting to enjoy yourself, you wish like the holiday was a little longer, and you dont want it to end now.
okay okay enough of my little random spiel. you guys go enjoy yourself while i go sulk in the corner.