isnt it funny how when you have something important to do, you never run out of other things to do. suddenly there's so many nice shows on tv. suddenly, there's so many things to do online. and suddenly all you're friends are asking you out.
i'm a huge procrastinor and i hate myself for it.
one of the aspects in my life that i procrastinate quite abit is in blogging. all my other friends have probably blogged about this and most of you should have already seen the photos in facebook so i guess i shall just do a brief entry. also, i still have my projects to start remember! *coughs*
met up with the poly people at dempsey one night sans huiming who was overseas. joy just came back from australia cause she's having her school holidays so thats another great reason to meet up and catch up.
me, angela, kath, joy, yasi
we had dinner at Dome first then we headed over to Harry's. the food at Dome was not bad actually. nice place with nice service.
kath & joy
ordered our drinks at Harry's. it's my first time to Harry's at Dempsey and its quite a nice place with a lovely ambience for like a bunch of friends to chill out. the drinks werent exactly cheap but if you frequent this kind of places, you'll find paying $18 for a drink normal.
maddie, yasi & joy
maddie showing us what she does after every meal. and yes, i know she doesnt look anorexic. she hides it well.
yasi, me & angela
the whole group.
and we ordered like this huge plate of random finger food combo. the wedges were yummy!
me & angela
angela giving us her money shot! thank god i'm a guy cause if i had to wear a skirt, i'd definitely get a 'Frequent Flasher' card.
kath & joy
maddie & yasi
me & angela
we all had to pose with this funny face and angela wins hands down! i'm still recovering from the post traumatic nightmares.
since we were also celebrating kath's birthday we wrote a note to the band, well, you cant exactly call it a band cause it was just a guy alone singing and playing the guitar. we requested for a birthday song when kath went to the ladies. and he was nice enough to play along with the surprise.
he was so nice that he even dedicated one song to us okay. nope, it wasnt Womanizer as much i wanted it to be, it was just some random song i cant recall now. haha!
during the break we told him that kath could sing quite well and asked him whether she can sing one song with him and he said okay! kath was so shy about it but i managed to persuade her to do it!! woohoo!!
i've been to kbox with kath before and when she sings i still think the audio is still on okay. ITS THAT GOOD!!
ladies & gentlemen, introducing the debut performance of sarah mcKATHLEEN!!
she sang Angels by Sarah Mclachlan and she sounded heavenly! when she started singing, the whole bar suddenly shut up and listened. i think they didnt expect her to sound that good! haha! it ended with a rousing applause from everyone in the bar and she even got drinks sent to the table okay!
maybe next time i shall perform my rendition of Single Ladies by Beyonce and see how many drinks i get sent to the table.
i definitely wont drink them though cause i bet they're poisoned. HAHA!!!
hanged around for a while more then we decided to take a walk around dempsey and take fotos!
all of us managed to squeeze between 2 parked cars.
i like this photo. it reminds me of those photos you find in your secondary school annuals where you have all your teacher's from different departments pose together. angela, the math teacher cause i donno why. me, the chemistry teacher because i love chemistry back in secondary school. kath, the english teacher cause she looks like it. maddie, the home econs teacher cause food is her forte. yasi, the PE teacher cause she looks hot in FBT shorts.
lets danced the night away on multiple shots.