and i somewhat agree. its not that fantastic but its edible. well, after two years of eating NS food daily, school food somewhat taste waaay better.
but there's this thing in sch that i really like.
waffles with vanilla ice cream from Megabites.
now, this is the shits!
no need to wait for tuesdays just to eat waffles and icecream at Gelare. i can eat it at SIM E.V.E.R.Y.D.A.Y.!!!
i make it a point to meet up with my friends every now and then to catch up with everybody. i think its important no matter how busy you are to slot in a few hours to have dinner with your friend. since i dont have siblings, friendship to me is very important and i believe effort is needed to keep it from drifting apart.
so i met up with a couple of my NS mates for dinner at suntec. we ate at this korean restaurant somewhere around the fountain area there. cant remember what the name was. not worth remembering anyway cause the food was damn sucky. but oh wells, you live and you learn.
the past is a teacher of the future.
shahul & quee
shahul & me
dinner was bad but luckily the company was good.