i personally hate the fact that valentines day totally materializes love.
love doesnt have to be between lovers. love can also be between friends. and you dont have to buy your friend a huge ass expensive present to show how much you appreciate him/her. this is a distorted concept of love.
the best way we can show the people we love how much we appreciate them in our lives is by the things we do.
and here's one great example.
sheryl has just started her internship in the sales and marketing department at one of the reputable hotels located in town. and you know, usually during the first week of work, its kinda sucky cause you dont really know anybody and you're new to the place. so since some of us were on leave and i had no school on that particular day. we decided to meet up with sheryl during her lunch break. shop after she goes back to work. and meet up with her after work!
so thats the plan.
waiting for the rest to come. timing is crucial cause the lunch break is only 1 hour so we cant be late.
me & sheryl
making our way to far east for lunch.
and lunch is subway! their white chocolate chip macadamia nut cookie is the shitz!
sheryl & jiafang me & cecilia
this side and that side of the table. sheryl didnt seem to get the memo about wearing pink. but nevertheless, we all look color coordinated somehow.
we managed to persuade the security guard to help us take a picture after lunch.
so sheryl had to go back to work cause her lunch break was gonna end soon. that means it's shoppiong time for me, jiafang and cecilia!!
very colgate commercial like that.
cecilia, me & jiafang
the girls said my shades looks really reflective so they decided take a foto of themselves through my lenses.
cecilia looks like she's pointing her middle finger. but that cant be true since she works for sanrio as hello kitty. (inside joke)
towns been geeting sucky lately. nothing much to shop at all. its so hard to actually find something nice. so we decided to go chill out first and wait for sheryl to knock off work.
cecilia & jiafang
cecilia & jasmine
cecilia's sister was in the area earlier so she decided to join us.
too much pink.
sheryl finally knocked off!! yay!!
now, you see. love isnt just for lovers, it can be between friends. and love doesnt have to be materialistic, it can shown thru what you do for the people you love.
Happy Valentines Day.