Sunday, 31 May 2009
Friday, 29 May 2009
kisses for sale
i've been selling kisses.
$5 for a kiss on the cheek.
$7 for a kiss on the lips.
and with the Great Singapore Sale around the corner, i've decided to give a promotional price of $3 & $5 respectively.
up till now, still nobody wants to buy any. NOBODY!

how come?
$5 for a kiss on the cheek.
$7 for a kiss on the lips.
and with the Great Singapore Sale around the corner, i've decided to give a promotional price of $3 & $5 respectively.
up till now, still nobody wants to buy any. NOBODY!
how come?
Thursday, 28 May 2009
ION Orchard or I-AT Orchard?
have you all seen that ION orchard?
it looks really huge and the design of the building is fabulous. i mean have you seen all the other buildings along orchard road. apart from wheelock's interesting cone shape architecture, the rest of the malls are just squares and rectangles. how rigidly boring!
ohh, and have you seen how the ION orchard looks like at night? its like a fucking casino! all the lights in multicolors is just screaming vegas to me. even still in its construction phase it already makes the neighbouring malls look like dingy shacks and slums. i mean seriously, the only time our malls look lighted up and enticing is christmas with all the decorations.
now this entry's purpose is not to laud praises at ION, instead i question the need for another mall in orchard road. sure its a shopping haven, but what we want is variety not quantity.
like for instance, what do you think ION orchard will offer? another topshop/topman? perhaps a g2000. giordano? hmm. esprit maybe? how about a charles and keith?
lets talk food then. bread talk? bakerzin? either starbucks, coffee bean or tcc?
its like the same or similar in every mall, dont you think so?
i'm sick of going from one mall to the other just to see similar items from the previous mall. seriously? do we need another charles and keith or topshop? if this trend continues, EVERYBODY will have the same clothes cause no matter where you shop, be it tampinese 1 or ION, its all the same!
so what i do propose then?
definitely not more newurbanmales! instead of buildings more malls, build better malls intead. improve our current malls by bringing in new brands. local designers or foreign ones it doesnt matter. and bringing in new brands doesnt mean you bring in expensive ones. muji and cotton on are interesting new shops that were brought in. we need new different shops, not the same shops popping up in new malls.
seriously this is sick. in future, i will just need to go to one mall to know what ALL the other malls have to offer.
and this is why ladies and gentlemen, online shopping is gaining in popularity.
talking about online shopping, dont let me get started on my rant on singapore's online blogshops. scums of the online shopping world whose only purpose is to provide cheap and cheap looking clothes to clones who dress with no individuality. this topic for another time.
it looks really huge and the design of the building is fabulous. i mean have you seen all the other buildings along orchard road. apart from wheelock's interesting cone shape architecture, the rest of the malls are just squares and rectangles. how rigidly boring!
ohh, and have you seen how the ION orchard looks like at night? its like a fucking casino! all the lights in multicolors is just screaming vegas to me. even still in its construction phase it already makes the neighbouring malls look like dingy shacks and slums. i mean seriously, the only time our malls look lighted up and enticing is christmas with all the decorations.
now this entry's purpose is not to laud praises at ION, instead i question the need for another mall in orchard road. sure its a shopping haven, but what we want is variety not quantity.
like for instance, what do you think ION orchard will offer? another topshop/topman? perhaps a g2000. giordano? hmm. esprit maybe? how about a charles and keith?
lets talk food then. bread talk? bakerzin? either starbucks, coffee bean or tcc?
its like the same or similar in every mall, dont you think so?
i'm sick of going from one mall to the other just to see similar items from the previous mall. seriously? do we need another charles and keith or topshop? if this trend continues, EVERYBODY will have the same clothes cause no matter where you shop, be it tampinese 1 or ION, its all the same!
so what i do propose then?
definitely not more newurbanmales! instead of buildings more malls, build better malls intead. improve our current malls by bringing in new brands. local designers or foreign ones it doesnt matter. and bringing in new brands doesnt mean you bring in expensive ones. muji and cotton on are interesting new shops that were brought in. we need new different shops, not the same shops popping up in new malls.
seriously this is sick. in future, i will just need to go to one mall to know what ALL the other malls have to offer.
and this is why ladies and gentlemen, online shopping is gaining in popularity.
talking about online shopping, dont let me get started on my rant on singapore's online blogshops. scums of the online shopping world whose only purpose is to provide cheap and cheap looking clothes to clones who dress with no individuality. this topic for another time.
Wednesday, 27 May 2009
bitch stare
on my way home today, i dropped by Courts to check out cameras. i've always been using my handphone's camera to take fotos for my blog and the quality isnt superb. so, i've always been on the lookout for nice camera deals. since Courts was along the way, i decided to see what they have to offer.
so i walked over to the camera booth, then this guy approached me and asked 'looking for anything?' probably he's mentally slow or something cause i was obviously looking at the cameras at the camera booth. i resisted the strong urge to say DUH! and answered with that fake smile you give to sales people, 'just taking a look'.
so he hovered around me. you know how some sales people have this habit of standing next to you and follow you around. like you take 1 step to check out the next camera and he too moves 1 step closer. this guy was like 1-2 metres away from me at most. like a shadow.
so i picked up this canon camera and he said 'thats a canon camera'. i was starting to feel that Courts was trying to up their ante on their corporate social responsibility by hiring mentally slow people. now even if i couldnt locate the word CANON emblazonned on the camera that i was holding in my hand, there was still the card that wrote the camera model, price and details placed at the spot i took the camera from. i was obviously not blind right. i mean if i was blind, why would i be buying cameras. its not like i can even see the fotos that i took.
so i just mumbled an 'umm' to him while i moved on to the next camera and he took a step closer. at first i found him to be a shadow. but now, he's just being an irritating fly. this happened for like 10minutes. i have to give him points for persistency cause everytime he said something i would just give him a non-interested monotonous 'umm'.
seriously he was starting to irritate me can. so damn annoying la. i mean i know he gets commission and all. but didnt he get the hint from my consistent monotonous 'umm' and my non existent eye contact. i mean even if he's really that dumb to get the hints, isnt it just tactless to hover so closely around the customer like a fly. the customer will obviously feel like he's being watched and be VERY uncomfortable.
he better thank his lucky stars that i was not on bitch mode at the moment. anyway, i was getting really uncomfortable with somebody watching my every move. so i decided that maybe i should look at other stuff to probably feign it to him that i was probably never intending to get a camera in the first place. so i moved on to look at the laptops since i was nearby. and he no longer followed me. after idling around the laptop section for a few minute, i saw that the sales person was hovering over innocent victim and so i decided to make my move back to the camera kiosk to continue looking at the camera.
but too bad. he spotted me. but since he was irritating another customer, he asked another staff to 'take care' of me citing that i was his customer. thankfully this new sales person was smart enough to observe from not so close.
but thennnn, his customer walked away, i guess irritated by him, so he came back and stand around me. i took up a camera looked at it. put it down and move to the next camera and he aligns the previous camera i took properly on the stand. it was seriously giving this impression that i was making a mess or something. again, DAMN UNCOMFORTABLE.
he then told me that the camera i was holding had a special promotional price. again something that i already saw printed at the card at the camera stand. and then i blurted out something.
you have to know this about me. when i get irritated with something, i try to ignore it. hoping that it goes away. but when it keeps coming back, and starts to really piss me off, you'll definitely know it. you can definitely see it VERY clearly on my actions and expressions. and then my bitch mode swicthes on and my irritatedness becomes verbal.
'can you just shut up and go away?' *inserts bitch stare*
i didnt think he was expecting that. he kinda stood there for a while waiting for it to sink in. i seriously think thats he's mentally slow. i mean if he really is then i apologise for being rude. but he was just pissing me off. and like a couple seconds later he walked away.
there was this couple standing near me giving me the look of 'omg, what an asshole for scolding sales staff' and i gave them the bitch stare and they too walked away.
i think i might be a mutant and thats like my special power. *bitch stare* something like cyclops just without the red laser beam shooting out from his eyes.
no mood to look at camera's already after that can?
urgh! i hate annoying sales staff!!
so i walked over to the camera booth, then this guy approached me and asked 'looking for anything?' probably he's mentally slow or something cause i was obviously looking at the cameras at the camera booth. i resisted the strong urge to say DUH! and answered with that fake smile you give to sales people, 'just taking a look'.
so he hovered around me. you know how some sales people have this habit of standing next to you and follow you around. like you take 1 step to check out the next camera and he too moves 1 step closer. this guy was like 1-2 metres away from me at most. like a shadow.
so i picked up this canon camera and he said 'thats a canon camera'. i was starting to feel that Courts was trying to up their ante on their corporate social responsibility by hiring mentally slow people. now even if i couldnt locate the word CANON emblazonned on the camera that i was holding in my hand, there was still the card that wrote the camera model, price and details placed at the spot i took the camera from. i was obviously not blind right. i mean if i was blind, why would i be buying cameras. its not like i can even see the fotos that i took.
so i just mumbled an 'umm' to him while i moved on to the next camera and he took a step closer. at first i found him to be a shadow. but now, he's just being an irritating fly. this happened for like 10minutes. i have to give him points for persistency cause everytime he said something i would just give him a non-interested monotonous 'umm'.
seriously he was starting to irritate me can. so damn annoying la. i mean i know he gets commission and all. but didnt he get the hint from my consistent monotonous 'umm' and my non existent eye contact. i mean even if he's really that dumb to get the hints, isnt it just tactless to hover so closely around the customer like a fly. the customer will obviously feel like he's being watched and be VERY uncomfortable.
he better thank his lucky stars that i was not on bitch mode at the moment. anyway, i was getting really uncomfortable with somebody watching my every move. so i decided that maybe i should look at other stuff to probably feign it to him that i was probably never intending to get a camera in the first place. so i moved on to look at the laptops since i was nearby. and he no longer followed me. after idling around the laptop section for a few minute, i saw that the sales person was hovering over innocent victim and so i decided to make my move back to the camera kiosk to continue looking at the camera.
but too bad. he spotted me. but since he was irritating another customer, he asked another staff to 'take care' of me citing that i was his customer. thankfully this new sales person was smart enough to observe from not so close.
but thennnn, his customer walked away, i guess irritated by him, so he came back and stand around me. i took up a camera looked at it. put it down and move to the next camera and he aligns the previous camera i took properly on the stand. it was seriously giving this impression that i was making a mess or something. again, DAMN UNCOMFORTABLE.
he then told me that the camera i was holding had a special promotional price. again something that i already saw printed at the card at the camera stand. and then i blurted out something.
you have to know this about me. when i get irritated with something, i try to ignore it. hoping that it goes away. but when it keeps coming back, and starts to really piss me off, you'll definitely know it. you can definitely see it VERY clearly on my actions and expressions. and then my bitch mode swicthes on and my irritatedness becomes verbal.
'can you just shut up and go away?' *inserts bitch stare*
i didnt think he was expecting that. he kinda stood there for a while waiting for it to sink in. i seriously think thats he's mentally slow. i mean if he really is then i apologise for being rude. but he was just pissing me off. and like a couple seconds later he walked away.
there was this couple standing near me giving me the look of 'omg, what an asshole for scolding sales staff' and i gave them the bitch stare and they too walked away.
i think i might be a mutant and thats like my special power. *bitch stare* something like cyclops just without the red laser beam shooting out from his eyes.
no mood to look at camera's already after that can?
urgh! i hate annoying sales staff!!
Tuesday, 26 May 2009
reflections on the web
i've been focussing too much on having pretty pictures on my blog that i miss out on the real reason i started blogging. documenting my life.
its not like i think i have a really exciting life or whatever. in fact i actually think my life is pretty boring as compared to many other bloggers out there who i secretly blog stalk. since my handwriting is kinda ugly, so illegible that i sometimes cant even read my own notes i write on my lecture notes, i decided writing a diary is not for me. so thank god for technology cause i can now document my life online. and i want to document my life so that in the future i can look back, read all the stuff i wrote and laugh about it.
i sometimes do that with my other 4 older blogs. like realitee, misterirony and some private ones. i read my old entries and look at the pictures. and i can literally see how i have changed. how my hair was in so many different looks and colors. the happy times, the sad times, the emo times. you know, its just interesting to reminisce, see how you've grown.
so i guess i'll start talking about my daily life.
as soon as i have something to talk about.
so what do you guys prefer? many small updates daily (which might not have any photos) or like 1 or 2 long update each week with a lot of photos?
comments on the tagboard. thankyouverymuch!
its not like i think i have a really exciting life or whatever. in fact i actually think my life is pretty boring as compared to many other bloggers out there who i secretly blog stalk. since my handwriting is kinda ugly, so illegible that i sometimes cant even read my own notes i write on my lecture notes, i decided writing a diary is not for me. so thank god for technology cause i can now document my life online. and i want to document my life so that in the future i can look back, read all the stuff i wrote and laugh about it.
i sometimes do that with my other 4 older blogs. like realitee, misterirony and some private ones. i read my old entries and look at the pictures. and i can literally see how i have changed. how my hair was in so many different looks and colors. the happy times, the sad times, the emo times. you know, its just interesting to reminisce, see how you've grown.
so i guess i'll start talking about my daily life.
as soon as i have something to talk about.
so what do you guys prefer? many small updates daily (which might not have any photos) or like 1 or 2 long update each week with a lot of photos?
comments on the tagboard. thankyouverymuch!
Monday, 25 May 2009
photos from 75 years ago
i only use my laptop for school & cybersex.
most of the time, i use my desktop. and you know why? cause i still cant get used to the damn touchpad mouse. i take twice as long to do something on my laptop just because most of the time i'm battling with the touchpad mouse. retarded.
since i had nothing to do today like every other day for the past couple of weeks, i decided that i should organise my laptop's desktop. the last time i used my laptop was during my project period and i remembered files and folders scattered EVERYWHERE on my laptop's desktop. so since i really have nothing else to do. this shall be the highlight of my day. sad i know.
anyways, so while i was organising the folders, i realised i had a few fotos from eons ago that i've yet to blog.
i think this was like last year. or early this year. no idea. since i cant really remember anything from that night, i shall do a merlion and vomit out all the photos.

my poly classmates.

thank god i have crazy fun classmates or else poly would have been sooo boring.

this is maddie showing us the remain of the blowjob she had with simon before she met us that night. yasi thought it smelt weird and i screamed in disgust

yasi's big head

yasi getting ready to squeeze a breast. just one.

maddie thought that by squinting her eyes and pouting her lips that it would make her look sexy. apparently, only SHE thought so.

me giving my sexy face.

maddie and yasi thought we were poking fun at chinese people and didnt found it funny.

suddenly maddie felt like farting

and when she thought she could release a silent fart, she accidentaly shit in her red lacey g string instead. and somehow yasi found that funny.

so maddie decided to take a photo of it and show yasi how it actually looks like. yasi is intrigued.

maddie's shit stained red lacey gstring was making her uncomfortable as u can see in this foto.

but she was a trooper and beared with it.

thats all!
omg. my entry today is so lame that i'm getting a direct invite to the school for the mentally retarded.
er.. no offence to any of my readers who are actually really mentally challenged.
ps: i'm actually blogging and did all the photo editing from my laptop so i apologise if it looks funny. to make up for it i shall tell a joke.
what is Happy's surname?
Lee. Happy Lee (~happily)
dont roll your eyes at me! idiot.
most of the time, i use my desktop. and you know why? cause i still cant get used to the damn touchpad mouse. i take twice as long to do something on my laptop just because most of the time i'm battling with the touchpad mouse. retarded.
since i had nothing to do today like every other day for the past couple of weeks, i decided that i should organise my laptop's desktop. the last time i used my laptop was during my project period and i remembered files and folders scattered EVERYWHERE on my laptop's desktop. so since i really have nothing else to do. this shall be the highlight of my day. sad i know.
anyways, so while i was organising the folders, i realised i had a few fotos from eons ago that i've yet to blog.
i think this was like last year. or early this year. no idea. since i cant really remember anything from that night, i shall do a merlion and vomit out all the photos.
my poly classmates.
thank god i have crazy fun classmates or else poly would have been sooo boring.
this is maddie showing us the remain of the blowjob she had with simon before she met us that night. yasi thought it smelt weird and i screamed in disgust
yasi's big head
yasi getting ready to squeeze a breast. just one.
maddie thought that by squinting her eyes and pouting her lips that it would make her look sexy. apparently, only SHE thought so.
me giving my sexy face.
maddie and yasi thought we were poking fun at chinese people and didnt found it funny.
suddenly maddie felt like farting
and when she thought she could release a silent fart, she accidentaly shit in her red lacey g string instead. and somehow yasi found that funny.
so maddie decided to take a photo of it and show yasi how it actually looks like. yasi is intrigued.
maddie's shit stained red lacey gstring was making her uncomfortable as u can see in this foto.
but she was a trooper and beared with it.
thats all!
omg. my entry today is so lame that i'm getting a direct invite to the school for the mentally retarded.
er.. no offence to any of my readers who are actually really mentally challenged.
ps: i'm actually blogging and did all the photo editing from my laptop so i apologise if it looks funny. to make up for it i shall tell a joke.
what is Happy's surname?
Lee. Happy Lee (~happily)
dont roll your eyes at me! idiot.
today was nice.
today you kissed me.
today you held my hand.
today i realized that my heart is still frozen.
today you kissed me.
today you held my hand.
today i realized that my heart is still frozen.
Thursday, 21 May 2009
My American Idol - Adam Lambert
i'm an avid follower of American Idol and if you haven't already know, the results this year was a major SUCKASS. stupid stupid stupid!

i am a HUGE Adam Lambert fan. this rocker has been consistent every single week since day 1 belting out awesome hits. well, this season of american idol shows that it doesnt pay to be consistently spectacular each week.
all you need to be is the typical guy next door, sing in church and very humble. and NOT HAVE A SCANDAL LIKE THIS...

Adam's the one with the purple hair by the way.
and so thats why this year's american idol result is RETARDED and WRONG. i think kris allen is good and all but between the 2, adam is definitely more deserving of the title no? this season of american idol was all about adam lambert, people watched every week not to see who got voted off but what or how adam will perform next. nobody really looked forward to what kris or even danny(urgh) will be performing. american idol season 8 was The Adam Lambert Show with other contestants merely as fillers.
oh wells, its not like winning american idol will make you a superstar anyway. remember reuben, fantasia, jordan sparks, taylor hicks? i dont.
only great things are to come for MY american idol - Adam Lambert!
this video is his story and his performance with KISS on the final results night. obviously this performance alone tells you who the true american idol is. stupid american idol!
alright, i know this is totally unrelated to the topic but i got tonnes of outfit fotos to push out. so here's one of them. something casual i wore to school.
thing to note: my idea of casual might not be similar to your definition.

t-shirt with chinese calligraphy print : Hong Kong
thrifted denim vest : Salvation Army
white berms : Topman
nude 2 strap sandals : Shop In (I KNOW!! i didnt know they sold sandals either! saw them on the way to a mall and they were so cheap and looks good too)
bag : Cotton On
beaded bracelet : Rastafari
tortoiseshell glasses : Levis
i am a HUGE Adam Lambert fan. this rocker has been consistent every single week since day 1 belting out awesome hits. well, this season of american idol shows that it doesnt pay to be consistently spectacular each week.
all you need to be is the typical guy next door, sing in church and very humble. and NOT HAVE A SCANDAL LIKE THIS...
Adam's the one with the purple hair by the way.
and so thats why this year's american idol result is RETARDED and WRONG. i think kris allen is good and all but between the 2, adam is definitely more deserving of the title no? this season of american idol was all about adam lambert, people watched every week not to see who got voted off but what or how adam will perform next. nobody really looked forward to what kris or even danny(urgh) will be performing. american idol season 8 was The Adam Lambert Show with other contestants merely as fillers.
oh wells, its not like winning american idol will make you a superstar anyway. remember reuben, fantasia, jordan sparks, taylor hicks? i dont.
only great things are to come for MY american idol - Adam Lambert!
this video is his story and his performance with KISS on the final results night. obviously this performance alone tells you who the true american idol is. stupid american idol!
alright, i know this is totally unrelated to the topic but i got tonnes of outfit fotos to push out. so here's one of them. something casual i wore to school.
thing to note: my idea of casual might not be similar to your definition.
t-shirt with chinese calligraphy print : Hong Kong
thrifted denim vest : Salvation Army
white berms : Topman
nude 2 strap sandals : Shop In (I KNOW!! i didnt know they sold sandals either! saw them on the way to a mall and they were so cheap and looks good too)
bag : Cotton On
beaded bracelet : Rastafari
tortoiseshell glasses : Levis
Monday, 18 May 2009
Never Judge A Book By Its Cover
every sunday, my kitchen turns into a bakery. well, maybe bakery isnt the exact word. i dont just bake. i make all kinds of desserts, like nonya kueh lapis, pancakes, agar-agar(jelly), cupcakes and cookies. i have a strong addiction to anything sweet and i guess thats why i always appear chirpy, cause i'm forever on a sugar high.
now, its been quite some time since i last did a baking entry. its not like i havent been baking. but you know how it is when you're baking, where you're either whisking a bowl of egg whites or sieving flour, you get a little messy. the last thing on my mind would be to snap photos of what i'm doing. and of course, getting cake batter all over my camera isnt exactly a pull factor.
so bless your lucky stars, cause i managed to snap some photos from one of my recent baking endeavour.
Mini Lemon Cheesecake with Lemon Icing Drizzle

INGREDIENTS (makes 20 mini cakes)
50g butter
250g cream cheese
150ml cream
50g flour
50g corn flour
3 egg yolks
4 egg whites
100g sugar
1 tsp lemon essense
1/2 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp baking soda
1 tsp lemon zest
Lemon Icing Drizzle:
juice from half a lemon
2-3 tsp icing sugar
1. whisk egg whites till stiff and fluffy (looks somewhat like a white foam). add in sugar slowly till the whole mixture is evenly mixed and sugar dissolves. keep aside.
2. heat up butter and cream cheese in a pot over low heat. mix gently and add cream into the mixture. stir contents of the pot until it becomes a creamy mixture and take away from the heat.
3. add in the egg yolks one by one into the cream cheese mixture and stir. you have to stir it continuously here as you dont want the egg yolks to cook from the heat of the cream cheese mixture and form clumps.
4. now add in flour, corn flour, baking soda and baking powder to that mixture and stir till it forms a smooth batter.
5. add in lemon zest and lemon essence into the batter and mix evenly again.
6. remember the fluffy egg white mixture we whisked at first. now, add it to the batter and mix everything evenly. cake batter is done.

7. pour the cake batter into individual moulds.
8. preheat the oven at 150 degree celcius for like 5 minutes. then put in the moulds and bake it for 45minutes.

9. while waiting for it to bake finish. time to make lemon icing drizzle. very simple. put the icing sugar (it has to be icing sugar. not those normal sugar u use for coffee) in a small bowl and slowly add lemon juice till it forms a somewhat thicker than syruppy mixture. somewhere in between syrup and creamy kind of texture so that u can drizzle.

10. when baking is done. remove the cake from the mould and drizzle the lemon icing over. DONE!

its a little bit sunken at the top and i donno why. but the inside is really fluffy and soft. it taste like those light cheesecakes you get at bread talk. the lemon icing gave it a nice tang providing a nice mix of flavours. overall, the cake itself might look a little plain but it's goddamn tasty when its just fresh out of the oven.
my father, whose my harshest and ardent critic was quick to put it down for its lacking in the presentation department. but after i came back from the kitchen after drizzling lemon icing on the rest of the mini cakes, i realised he's gobbled up 5 mini cakes at one go. unapolegeticly, he looked up with a slight grin on his face and mumbled, 'mm. nice.'
alright guys. it might look like a lot of ingredients and steps but its rather uncomplicated if you follow the directions one step at a time. do give it a try and tell me how it turns out yeah? oh, and if you got any suggestions of what you would love to see me bake and blog, don't hesitate to leave a comment on my tagboard on the right.
now, its been quite some time since i last did a baking entry. its not like i havent been baking. but you know how it is when you're baking, where you're either whisking a bowl of egg whites or sieving flour, you get a little messy. the last thing on my mind would be to snap photos of what i'm doing. and of course, getting cake batter all over my camera isnt exactly a pull factor.
so bless your lucky stars, cause i managed to snap some photos from one of my recent baking endeavour.
Mini Lemon Cheesecake with Lemon Icing Drizzle
INGREDIENTS (makes 20 mini cakes)
50g butter
250g cream cheese
150ml cream
50g flour
50g corn flour
3 egg yolks
4 egg whites
100g sugar
1 tsp lemon essense
1/2 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp baking soda
1 tsp lemon zest
Lemon Icing Drizzle:
juice from half a lemon
2-3 tsp icing sugar
1. whisk egg whites till stiff and fluffy (looks somewhat like a white foam). add in sugar slowly till the whole mixture is evenly mixed and sugar dissolves. keep aside.
2. heat up butter and cream cheese in a pot over low heat. mix gently and add cream into the mixture. stir contents of the pot until it becomes a creamy mixture and take away from the heat.
3. add in the egg yolks one by one into the cream cheese mixture and stir. you have to stir it continuously here as you dont want the egg yolks to cook from the heat of the cream cheese mixture and form clumps.
4. now add in flour, corn flour, baking soda and baking powder to that mixture and stir till it forms a smooth batter.
5. add in lemon zest and lemon essence into the batter and mix evenly again.
6. remember the fluffy egg white mixture we whisked at first. now, add it to the batter and mix everything evenly. cake batter is done.
7. pour the cake batter into individual moulds.
8. preheat the oven at 150 degree celcius for like 5 minutes. then put in the moulds and bake it for 45minutes.
9. while waiting for it to bake finish. time to make lemon icing drizzle. very simple. put the icing sugar (it has to be icing sugar. not those normal sugar u use for coffee) in a small bowl and slowly add lemon juice till it forms a somewhat thicker than syruppy mixture. somewhere in between syrup and creamy kind of texture so that u can drizzle.
10. when baking is done. remove the cake from the mould and drizzle the lemon icing over. DONE!
its a little bit sunken at the top and i donno why. but the inside is really fluffy and soft. it taste like those light cheesecakes you get at bread talk. the lemon icing gave it a nice tang providing a nice mix of flavours. overall, the cake itself might look a little plain but it's goddamn tasty when its just fresh out of the oven.
my father, whose my harshest and ardent critic was quick to put it down for its lacking in the presentation department. but after i came back from the kitchen after drizzling lemon icing on the rest of the mini cakes, i realised he's gobbled up 5 mini cakes at one go. unapolegeticly, he looked up with a slight grin on his face and mumbled, 'mm. nice.'
alright guys. it might look like a lot of ingredients and steps but its rather uncomplicated if you follow the directions one step at a time. do give it a try and tell me how it turns out yeah? oh, and if you got any suggestions of what you would love to see me bake and blog, don't hesitate to leave a comment on my tagboard on the right.
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