i've been focussing too much on having pretty pictures on my blog that i miss out on the real reason i started blogging. documenting my life.
its not like i think i have a really exciting life or whatever. in fact i actually think my life is pretty boring as compared to many other bloggers out there who i secretly blog stalk. since my handwriting is kinda ugly, so illegible that i sometimes cant even read my own notes i write on my lecture notes, i decided writing a diary is not for me. so thank god for technology cause i can now document my life online. and i want to document my life so that in the future i can look back, read all the stuff i wrote and laugh about it.
i sometimes do that with my other 4 older blogs. like realitee, misterirony and some private ones. i read my old entries and look at the pictures. and i can literally see how i have changed. how my hair was in so many different looks and colors. the happy times, the sad times, the emo times. you know, its just interesting to reminisce, see how you've grown.
so i guess i'll start talking about my daily life.
as soon as i have something to talk about.
so what do you guys prefer? many small updates daily (which might not have any photos) or like 1 or 2 long update each week with a lot of photos?
comments on the tagboard. thankyouverymuch!