i am a HUGE Adam Lambert fan. this rocker has been consistent every single week since day 1 belting out awesome hits. well, this season of american idol shows that it doesnt pay to be consistently spectacular each week.
all you need to be is the typical guy next door, sing in church and very humble. and NOT HAVE A SCANDAL LIKE THIS...
Adam's the one with the purple hair by the way.
and so thats why this year's american idol result is RETARDED and WRONG. i think kris allen is good and all but between the 2, adam is definitely more deserving of the title no? this season of american idol was all about adam lambert, people watched every week not to see who got voted off but what or how adam will perform next. nobody really looked forward to what kris or even danny(urgh) will be performing. american idol season 8 was The Adam Lambert Show with other contestants merely as fillers.
oh wells, its not like winning american idol will make you a superstar anyway. remember reuben, fantasia, jordan sparks, taylor hicks? i dont.
only great things are to come for MY american idol - Adam Lambert!
this video is his story and his performance with KISS on the final results night. obviously this performance alone tells you who the true american idol is. stupid american idol!
alright, i know this is totally unrelated to the topic but i got tonnes of outfit fotos to push out. so here's one of them. something casual i wore to school.
thing to note: my idea of casual might not be similar to your definition.
t-shirt with chinese calligraphy print : Hong Kong
thrifted denim vest : Salvation Army
white berms : Topman
nude 2 strap sandals : Shop In (I KNOW!! i didnt know they sold sandals either! saw them on the way to a mall and they were so cheap and looks good too)
bag : Cotton On
beaded bracelet : Rastafari
tortoiseshell glasses : Levis