that's my life right now. so boring can?!
i've gotten fat. EVERYONE who meets me seems to have this urgency to tell me what i already know and see everyday in the mirror.
whatever happened to 'hi ali, how are you doing? hows school? hows life?' now its just begone with the pleasantries and straight to 'OMG, you've put on weight!'
well i could look at it as i no longer have to think of a conversation starter with people. i could just go up to them and say, 'have you seen my double chin?'
its not like i dont care about it. i do want to shed a few pound. i've even decided to jog at the park near my house. i set my clock to 9am every morning.
first day. rain.
second day. rain.
third day. just stopped raining. but the ground's gonna be wet and slippery, so i better not.
fourth day. cloudy. there seem to be dark clouds in the distant. like at bishan. so will probably rain soon. better not. if not later caught in the rain. me walking home in a wet tshirt isnt exactly sexy. for now.
fifth day. sunny skies, birds chirping. perfect day. but i'm going out later to meet my friends. if i jog now, i will be too tired later. too tired to meet my friends for dinner later.
sixth day. another perfect morning. maybe i'll just snooze for another 10minutes since i slept late yesterday night. snooze all the way till 2pm.
its not like i never tried. right?
i've also heard its a good habit to eat breakfast. but you know what goes best with a glass of milk?
doink. i need help. will somebody ask me out for badminton, cycling or some form of sports please.
alright. now i shall end this entry with a style post. an outfit picture taken when i could still fit into my skinny jeans.
i wore this to zouk with my unimates. i blogged about the zouk entry like a couple post back. so if you want you could go check it out.
long sleve floral shirt : River Island
black vest : Topman
skinny jeans : Cheap Monday
black leather loafers : Far East
clutch bag : Fung Wee's