its ALWAYS dinner and drinks!
every time i meet up with my friends, thats like forever the agenda.
why the hell is singapore so boring??
there' s nothing much to do here at night. yes, we laud a vibrant nightlife. but vibrant doesnt necessary translate to variety. our so called 'vibrant' nightlife only consist of either clubbing or chilling at bars. what else is there to do especially when our shopping centres close at 930pm. willingly or not, we'll all somehow end up chatting the night away over antiseptic tasting $16 cosmopolitans.
this was exactly what happened when i met up with POEPS recently.
we had DINNER!
maddie & kath
angela & me
check out my supermodel face! all my friends roll their eyes whenever i give that look in photos. but i think it makes me look FIERCEEE.. LOL!
as tyra would put it, "make it fierceeee!! smile with your eyes!!"
maddie trying to strike a high fashion pose
cannot make it la maddie!! look more like spiderman!
oh, dinner was at my favourite Sushi Tei at Holland Vilage!! YUMS!!
smile for camera y'all!!
huiming joined us a while later cause she had school. and there i was at the back giving FIERCEE!! and maddie, as usual ruining all group photos with her stupid face.
and guess what we did after dinner??
c'mon!! make a guess!!
if you guessed DRINKS then you're right!! SO SMART...
so off we went to our usual hangout.. DEMPSEY!!
ordered the drinks and now its time to take photos!!
drinks are here!! weeeeeeeeeee!
maddie somehow got a little horny and decided to give us a sexy pose!
unfortunately(for maddie) and luckily(for the rest of us and everyone else at the bar) nobody got turned on. though, huiming did freak out abit.
kath decided to numb the nausea with a tight smile, and i got a headache from it (but still had to look FIERCEE nonetheless)
maddie : heh heh heh (chikopek psycho laugh) i'm so getting laid tonight!
poor angela.
they're not lesbians laa!! or maybe they are but i donno? hmmm...
anyway, YES SINGAPORE IS BORING so for dear lord sake i do hope you have great friends to make your boring nights so much better. just like mine!