OMG! true ar!!
no wonder i'm fat can!!
nevermind, luckily this post does not centralise around food. in fact, its something totally opposite.
its about SPORTS!!!
i know like lots of you are now probably going WTF WTF WTF!!
Ali-Joe and sports??? isnt that an oxymoron. does he even do sports???
well, OF COURSE I DO!!
i love bowling!!!
dont roll your eyes at me!!! bowling is a sport okay!!!
anyway, have you realise that its so hard to find a bowling alley in singapore now? theres like only so few places that you can bowl here. i guess in the era of video games, nobody cares to play boring bowling anymore. i mean, if they really wanted to play bowling, they can just do it on wii.
so like one of the place i know that still has a bowling alley is marina square.
met up with PETS, my unimates, sans john who couldnt make it, at city hall and we walked over to marina square!
bowling shoes. check!
lets go bowling yo!
while waiting for my turn, lets take some photos!!
me & weiliang
me & yeeling
me & fungwee
the girls
yeeling & weiliang
so yeah, we played like 2 rounds till our thumbs started to hurt then we decided to make a move.
bye bye bowling
so we decided to walk around and we somehow ended up at esplanade.
chilled over chendols at thai express
and random snapshots of esplanade area
i spy with my eye
outdoor theatre
construction of the IR
since me and food is like an inseparable entity, i shall end this post with just that.
hotdogs. yum!