Sunday, 6 September 2009

its never all glitter.

i really have no idea where all the hours in the day disappear to. i never seem to have enough time to do anything much these days. most of my hours are spent in school especially with all the project deadlines drawing even closer.

the only time where i get to sit down and really have time to read a book is on the train home from school. kinda sad i know. what makes it even worse is that most of the time in school i feel lost. like i don't really know whats happening. it's very much like going thru the motion everyday.

i really hate this feeling of how my life feels so disorganized even much so because i'm somewhat of a perfectionist. i like to plan every single aspect of my life. i cant stand it when something doesnt go according to plan or if i'm not able to control it.

so right now, feeling lost sucks big time.

the train needs to get back on the track.