Saturday, 28 February 2009

The Macaroon Story

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i happened to pass by Bakerzin and noticed that they were having a special promotion. their macaroons are going for like $1. well, yes i've tasted better macaroons at others places but paying $1 per macaroon is like paying $99 for a Gucci wallet. its so rare to come by that you just have to grab a wallet no matter how ugly it is. after all, it's still a Gucci.

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i met up with azlin after class one day so it was nice to catch up over a plate of assorted macaroons.

but you know too much of a good thing can sometimes be bad for you. i'm not sure about it but i bet those little colorful sweet sandwiches are bursting with calories. so you just gotta control yourself.

well maybe i can have one more piece.
one last piece.
one last piece after the previous last piece.

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just one more small macaroon wont hurt right? right?!

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damnit!! i hate having to make decisions!! this is like a major dilemma crisis can?!

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too yummy to resist!!! this will be MY LAST PIECE!!! no more after this CONFIRM!!!


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back to schoolwork!
