Tuesday, 6 October 2009

formation of lard

i spent my sunday and monday totally nua-ing at home. did totally nothing at all. it feels weird i guess considering the past few weeks, even on weekends, most of my time and energy has been focussed on my school projects.

now, over these two days, i wake up between 12 to 2pm. eat a cornetto ice cream cone for breakfast. watch desperate housewives, family guy, the simpsons, the cleveland show and jackass 3. jackass 3 is funny shit by the way. its like a bunch of people doing retarded stunts just for the fun of it. there was this one scene where they put chocolate pudding in a pair of diapers and placed it in the rubbish bin. then this guy from jackass acted as a homeless guy and rummaged thru the rubbish bin for food. then he found the diaper, open it up, made sure everyone saw the chcoclate pudding which looks like shit and gobbled it up in front of them. you should have seen everyone's face. PRICELESS!!

anyway, i also watched some documentaries about nostradamus and the end of the world. did you know, nostradamus, some smart guy who can predict stuff, predicted the world is gonna end in 2012. both the ancient Mayan calendar and chinese I Ching book made a more exact prediction. both predicted the world will end on december 21, 2012. i bet Santa's going 'damnnnn i finally get to take the week off.'

i also played king of fighters, marvel vs capcom, xmen vs street fighter and mortal kombat till i got sick of it.

the rest of the time i spent on reading magazines and eating.

life is so hard. *flicks hair*
