christmas this year was more like a boys night out.
on christmas eve i met up with my friends from Bedok Camp. since we didnt wanna stick to a stereotypical christmas dinner of turkey and the likes, we headed to sakae sushi for a japanese christmas instead. and we did a last minute impromtu exchange of presents.
unfortunately, not many could make it that night since the decision to meet up was so last minute. nevertheless, it was still fun!
i made gingerbreadman cookies for everyone that night!
quee, leon and me
i got the present that quee brought which was a turn lock. you know, those type of locks that you have to turn to the specific numbers to open it.
THANKS QUEE. -___________-'''
quee got a condom from leon and leon got my gift which consisted of toys that we used to play during our childhood.
me, shaiful, shahul, leon, quee.
afterwards we headed over to town and it was like MAJOR croswded that we didnt hang around for long.
christmas entry part 2 another time yeah. gotta go back to class now!