anyways, i hope you had a great week too yeah!
although i stay really close to my neighbour, Fara, we dont really get to see each other often due to her extremely busy schedule. busier than mine okay! haha! so we decided to meet up in town for dinner.
we decided to have dinner at Breekz, Ngee Ann City.
and then she decided to suprise me with my MAJOR ULTRA belated birthday present.
no, its not a little yellow handbag. thats like the box it came in with. and mind you, she made me carry that thing around town!!! anyway, she got me a watch but i somewhat forgot to take a picture of it. dang!
took a walk around town later where we spotted this bunch of buskers who looks damn cool can! very rasta! they were singing some reggae songs in korean i think. erm, imagine Bob Marley with slit eyes and singing korean, probably smthing like No Kimchi No Cry.
decided to call it a night since it was getting a little late.
we asked this couple of tourist from China to help up take a photo together and its seems that they found the ceiling to be more interesting than we were.
so i've decided to include the style segment of my blog together with this entry since the outfit is what i was wearing that day.
i decided to keep the look casual chic on that day. and since the weather was a little warm, i paired a short sleeve shirt with berms. but knowing me, i need to have a little 'quirk' in my whol ensemble. so there comes in the grey metallic shoes. and i know my shoes looks like canoes. i have big feet, live with it. but on the hindsight, you know what they say about guys with big feet right?
(from top to bottom)
Glasses : tortoishell frames from Levis
Top : multicolored checkered short sleeve shirt from some random shop in City Square in Johor, Malaysia.
Belt : Navy blue leather belt from Club Marc.
Bottom : light grey bermudas from Giordano Concepts.
Shoes : grey metallic shoes from Far East.
that's all kids!
ciao bella!