that short while of pure escapism is such a nice state where you can leave all your worries behind in your 4room hdb flat back in singapore. and when you return refreshed from your escape, at least you know that reality isnt that bad and that you can always look forward to your next escape.
it's been quite a while since i had a nice long vacation and when most of my friends come back from their trips and show me wonderful photos of their holiday, it only generates envy.
smarties and skittles.
but luckily for Sheryl, who just came back from a really long holiday in japan, she brought us some lovely gifts from japan as a peace treaty
we met up with her over fries and sundaes where she relayed to us in detail about her fantastic winter trip to Japan.
jiafang, me & cecilia
look at all the stuff she got us. those rectangle things that looks like hell notes are actually a piece of chewing gum made to look like a ¥100 million yen note. yes you heard me right, that big rectangle thing is just ONE huge piece of chewing gum. there were other stuff too like japanese crackers, mochi, japanese sweets that were made to look like sushi and other stuff.
the girls then decided to head over to the esplanade to enjoy the lovely sea breeze and chat the night away.
it was such a lovely weather that we couldnt resist camwhoring. haha!
sheryl told me that in japan, a lot of people like to do the peace sign or the 'V' sign with their fingers when they pose for a photo. and instead of saying 'cheeese!', they will say 'kawaii neh!!'
i've always thought that it was such a blatant stereotype of the japanese that we usually see potrayed in the media, but alas, it's true.
so we decided to do it like the japanese.
also it was just a good excuse for all of us to act cute.
maybe i shall start doing that in all my camwhoring photos. shout 'kawaii neh!!' and do peace sign pose. (^.^)V
well, now excuse me while i go puke.
ciao bella!