its like the most biased holiday we have okay.
firstly, Chinese New Year(CNY) gets 2 days public holiday. not even christmas gets such a privilege lor.
secondly, they ALWAYS have a CNY sale at all the malls. true, christmas has an even bigger and huge ass sale but then how about other holidays. have you heard of a deepavali sale? a hari raya sale? or even a vesak day sale? no.
thirdly, i have to bear with the incessant CNY songs being played in the malls for like 1 month. its not even a conducive shopping music to begin with. i get so annoyed with it, i avoid all stores that play CNY songs.
fourthly, they got 2 public hoildays for wad? especially when all the shops in singapore are closed on this 2 public holidays. i got totally nothing do during CNY can! i feel soooo bored to death.
i fucking played The Sims on my computer for 5 hours can?! for kicks, i make the sims swim in the pool, then i remove the staircase to come out and watch them swim till they die.
that was how bored i was la!
but since i got so much free time, i've decided to blog something!
Melvin's Birthday!!
dont ask me how delayed this entry is okay. actually the first picture can give u a clue already.
it was Melvin's birthay party later that evening and i met up with Barney to go shop for his present in the late afternoon. melvin's my secondary school friend from montfort and me, barney, him and a few other guys are from this little group call JMD. we kinda like hangout together every recess time.
after scouring the whole orchard road, we finally settled on this quaint little store in Far East Plaza that sells quirky stuff. i like to buy gifts that are both fun yet has a certain purpose to it. so since melvin, like me, loves to camwhore, i got him a 4 lens Motion Sampler Camera.
this one! it takes 4 consequtive shots in one frame okay. cool shit or what!!
it even came in a nice bag.
looks like somebody's lunch ar. hahha!
made our way to sengkang later on for his house party and was just in time before he was about to cut the cake. saw some familiar faces over at his place and it was nice catching up with old friends.
took a group foto with the guys.
hanged around for a while more until Barney had to go home for some reason. one last picture with the birthday boy.
Happy Birthday Melvin!!
loves you bitch!
ciao bella!