i found out that everybody in SIM is having a one week break right now. its weird because school has just started and you dont really expect a one week break anytime soon. also, SIM is made up of foreign universities from London, New York, Australia and so on. so you dont really expect them to plan a syllabus and include a break during the Chinese New Year period.
right now, you're probably wondering what this guy is complaining about having a holiday. you're probably either stuck in school or at work wishing that you could have a 1 week holiday too right. well, here's the thing. i don't quite like holidays.
now, since we've established the fact that i'm weird, you can stop rolling you eyes and giving me that 'what the fuck' look.
i just hate the idea of having a long period of time with nothing to do. you see, i've got an extremely short attention span. so i'll technically get bored by the 3rd day of the holiday. its not like i have nothing to do also. i do go out and i do do constructive stuff at home. in fact, in the past few days of this long weekend, i painted my room turqoise, did a major spring cleaning in my room, cleaned everything with dettol, i made lasagne, i went to Marina Barrage which was only fun for like 10minutes, went to Mustafa which was INFESTED with banglas, went to arab street for Zam Zam's murtabak which is not as nice as before and other random stuff.
and now, i'm bored.
so you see, i'm not complaining because i got nothing to do. i'm complaining because i'm running out of things to do. the thought of having nothing to do and just nua-ing at home totally goes against my principles of having to plan everything. how exactly do you plan to not to do anything.
thankfully, i was random blog surfing and when i was reading Ca's blog i came across this '5 Things' entry which i shall attempt to do.
Five Things I Love
1) Sweet stuff. my addiction to sugar is like so MAJOR. i need to go to some sugar rehab or something where they'll probably put me in isolation and away from all kinds of sugar. and they'll whip me everytime i think of eating sweet stuff. then again, i might actually enjoy the whipping =x.
2) Being in the kitchen. i LOVE to cook and bake. i thoroughly enjoy the whole process of making something from scratch in the kitchen. and that satisfaction i get from seeing whatever i cooked or baked turn out to be really yummy and very pretty is such a morale booster. just the smell of freshly baked pastry turns me on.
3) Spending hours at the supermarket. My record time is spending slightly more than 2 hours in NTUC. i get mesmerized by every little thing i see. i like to take items up and look at the packaging and read the labels, compare all the different brands (very auntie, i know. so shut up), every food item that i pick up will be like processed thru my mind on all the different ways i can cook it. i know where everything is at AMK Hub's NTUC by heart okay. and thats like the largest NTUC in singapore mind you.
4) Shopping. this is like a no suprise coming from me. i can spend the whole afternoon and night just shopping until the shops close at orchard road. and i can don't buy anything but then after that i'll keep whining non stop that i didnt buy anything. to me shopping is like a leisure activity. of course i enjoy the feeling of buying something. but i also enjoy the walking around looking at things to buy while talking to my friends. to me shopping isnt about the purchase, its about the process.
5) Camwhoring. enough said. please refer to every other post for proof.
Five Things I Loathe
1) Numbers. anything to do with maths, accounts or just purely number related i hate. just the sight of numbers makes me queezy.
2) People who dont dress up who pass judgement about others who do. i believe style is an individual expression no matter how weird it looks. so i find it extremely displeasing that these people who do not put in effort to dress up will mock those who do. its like if you dont grow orange trees, what right have you to say that my oranges are sour when you know nothing about planting oranges.
3) Waiting. i HATE to wait. i hate to wait for busses, wait in queues, wait for friends who are more than 10 minutes late, wait for people who take forever in the toilet. in short, i just hate to wait. i feel like part of my life has been wasted if i wait for something. also i got a short attention span so 5 minutes late to you feels like 15 minutes to me. to help me ease this problem, thank god i have my nintendo ds.
4) Having things not going to plan. now, you see i'm a perfectionist. i like to plan every detail in life. and i like to plan them waaay in advance. somewhat if gives me this feeling that i have my life in control or something. i donno. but i HATE it when i've planned something and either it has been called off or it just doesnt go according to plan, especially if it is last minute. when things dont go according to plan, that little void in my planner simply annoys me to the core. cause then i will have to plan last minute what to do during the void. and like i said earlier, i like to plan waaaaay in advance.
5) bus rides. i've got a really bad case of motion sickness. i cant read on busses and i cant exactly watch that tv mobile when i'm on the bus. that will aggravate it even more. and i hate it especially when the busses move and jerk. makes me damn dizzy. also, when i take an aircon bus and its crowded and i can't exactly feel the aircon. that stuffiness makes me feel like puking. so if i take a bus with you and i suddenly go quiet, you better shut up, or else i'll puke on you.
Five Fun Facts
1) i dont dress up when i'm going to shop hardcore. the difference between shopping and harcore shopping is that during shopping, i'm just there to walk around. during hardcore shopping, it means that i actually have things to buy and i'm all out to spend money that day. so when i want to shop hardcore, i'm usually dressed in tshirt, shorts and sandals so that i can try everything easily.
2) if you dont know by now, i'm the only child. being the only child has its advantages and disadvantages. i have never shared anything in my entire life. not my room, not my toilet, not my toys, nothing. but the downside is that sometimes when both my parents go to work, i dont really have anybody to talk to at home. sad right? but being an only child doesnt mean i get everything i want okay. my parents have always believed in not giving me money so easily. they want me to learn to value money more. which somehow has taught me that i dont have to have everything i want. life isnt all about materialistic goods.
3) it might not seem like it but i actually like sports. i like to cycle, badminton, basketball, table tennis and hike. in fact i've always wanted to pick up tennis. when i was young, i was quite active and i even played soccer but as i grew older, most of my friends now dont do any sports. so technically i dont have anyone who i can do such activities with. and thats why the only sport i do is virtual tennis.
4) i have a little habit of cleaning my whole room every other week. i wipe everything in my room with dettol, even the floors. i love that clean sterile smell. its like that smell u get when you go to a hospital. also, every other week i rearrange all my clothes in my closets according to the colors of the rainbow. so everything red is on the left and everything violet is on the right. since white and black are not colors but shades, i put them on the right side, at the end of the rainbow.
5) i love to read self help books. you know books like, 'The 10 Steps to Happiness' or like 'How to Talk to Anyone'. i love this kind of books because i can always learn something from them. i find all those fiction books like a waste of my life. its like i dont get anything from reading a book about science fiction or fantasy novels. so after reading it, then what?
well that somewhat completes my ULTRA lengthy post of the day. i know many of you are like, ''what the fuck, why so many words, where's all the pictures?!''
so to please everyone, i shall include one picture.

i shall call it 'Anticipation'.
well that somewhat completes my ULTRA lengthy post of the day. i know many of you are like, ''what the fuck, why so many words, where's all the pictures?!''
so to please everyone, i shall include one picture.
i shall call it 'Anticipation'.