as much as i am a perfectionist who loves to plan every aspect of my life. i have to admit, i HATE to plan gatherings. especially when everyone cannot give me a clear answer.
"thursday? i donno whether i can make it on thursday lei? i cant tell you now. maybe i tell you on wednesday or thursday morning?"
i seriously dont get it why people cannot confirm whether they can make it or not. its like they're probably waiting for something more fun to come up, and if none, then they will join us.
and for goodness sake, please stop using the excuse that you're too busy. its not like i spend my days sticking diamentes on my nintendo ds. i do have school. and if i can make time to slot in a gathering and plan it at the same time, i dont see why you cant take 3hrs off from your 'busy' schedule to have dinner with everyone.
one word to sum it all : EFFORT
it just shows how much effort you put into this friendship. friendship isnt just being able to click you know.
and to the bff, i got this song that is so apt for you right now.
maybe the term bff means just another word to you.
ps: i'm not angry. i'm just annoyed.